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A const builder pattern in Rust

During the creation of EtherCrab, a pure-Rust EtherCAT master, one of the core structs in the crate started growing quite a few const generic parameters. Here's a reduced example of what I'm talking about:

struct Client<const N: usize, const D: usize, const TIMEOUT: u64> {
    foo: [u8; N],
    bar: [u8; D],
    idx: u8

There are/will be a few more parameters in the future, but this is already pretty unwieldy, so let's fix that.

But first: a normal builder

Skip this section if you already know what the builder pattern is :)

For structs with many different parameters, you'll often see the builder pattern used in Rust crates, for example in embedded-graphics:

let style = PrimitiveStyleBuilder::new()

let radii = CornerRadiiBuilder::new()
    .top_left(Size::new(5, 6))
    .top_right(Size::new(7, 8))
    .bottom_right(Size::new(9, 10))
    .bottom_left(Size::new(11, 12))

RoundedRectangle::new(Rectangle::new(Point::new(5, 5), Size::new(40, 50)), radii)

The builder allows the final struct (RoundedRectangle in this case) to have private fields, but more importantly helps disambiguate passing random values for various fields. Let's take a look at what creating a PrimitiveStyle, created by PrimitiveStyleBuilder in the example above, would look like without a builder:

// Ordered as above: stroke width, stroke colour, fill colour
let style = PrimitiveStyle::new(5, Rgb565::RED, Rgb565::GREEN);

Now, assuming we don't have nice inlay hints in our editor showing the argument names, how do we know what the three magic arguments correspond to? We don't! We can take a guess, but that's a recipe for disaster. Hopefully this example demonstrates the added safety and readability that builders provide.

A fantastic extra feature also falls out of the builder pattern: we can have sensible defaults within the builder, meaning the programmer doesn't have to specify all field values every time. In contrast, to support this in the non-builder API it sucks even more:

// Use the default fill colour but override everything else
let style = PrimitiveStyle::new(Some(5), Some(Rgb565::RED), None);

Const builders

We need a slightly different pattern with a builder for const parameters. Let's see what a first incarnation looks like.

struct ConstBuilder<const N: usize, const D: usize, const TIMEOUT: u64>;

impl<const N: usize, const D: usize, const TIMEOUT: u64> ConstBuilder<N, D, TIMEOUT> {
    const fn with_n<const N_SET: usize>(self) -> ConstBuilder<N_SET, D, TIMEOUT> {
        ConstBuilder::<N_SET, D, TIMEOUT>

    const fn with_d<const D_SET: usize>(self) -> ConstBuilder<N, D_SET, TIMEOUT> {
        ConstBuilder::<N, D_SET, TIMEOUT>

    const fn with_timeout<const TIMEOUT_SET: u64>(self) -> ConstBuilder<N, D, TIMEOUT_SET> {
        ConstBuilder::<N, D, TIMEOUT_SET>

    const fn build(self) -> Client<N, D, TIMEOUT> {
        Client {
            foo: [0x00; N],
            bar: [0x00; D],
            idx: 0,

If your first thought is "wow, that's quite verbose with all the consts there!" you are absolutely correct and I agree with you. But the usage isn't so bad:

let thing = ConstBuilder::new()

That almost looks like a normal builder!


But where does new() come from? This took me a few tries to figure out. Here's the first solution I reached for:

const fn new() -> Self {


61 |     let thing = ConstBuilder::new()
   |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot infer the value of const parameter `N`

Alright then, how about...

const fn new() -> ConstBuilder<N, D, TIMEOUT> {
    ConstBuilder::<N, D, TIMEOUT>

nah, same error. Note that the error also percolates to D, then TIMEOUT if we define N.

We need two things out of this new() method;

  1. No errors please
  2. An ability to initialise the builder with some default values

The solution to both these points is thankfully pretty simple: We must define another impl block but this time, we'll use concrete values:

impl ConstBuilder<16, 16, 30_000> {
    const fn new() -> Self {

This works, but I admit it does replicate the magic values issue we had with the let style = PrimitiveStyle::new(5, Rgb565::RED, Rgb565::GREEN);-style API above. That said, the defaults are more likely to be contained within the crate or module, so they're not exposed to the user to make mistakes with - only you, great author, can mess your crate up ;).

That said, we can guard against this a little bit better by giving some names to the default values:

const DEFAULT_N: usize = 16;
const DEFAULT_D: usize = 16;
const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: u64 = 30_000;

    const fn new() -> Self {

This doesn't prevent reordering defaults of the same type, but perhaps it goes a little way to making the code less error prone.

The whole lot

Overall, I'm pretty happy with this builder pattern. I doubt I'm the first to discover it, but it was a bit of a eureka moment for me and I thought it interesting enough to share. The full code is below, or you can visit the Rust playground to run it yourself.

use core::future;
use core::time::Duration;
use tokio::time::error::Elapsed;

const DEFAULT_N: usize = 16;
const DEFAULT_D: usize = 16;
const DEFAULT_TIMEOUT: u64 = 30_000;

struct ConstBuilder<const N: usize, const D: usize, const TIMEOUT: u64>;

    const fn new() -> Self {

impl<const N: usize, const D: usize, const TIMEOUT: u64> ConstBuilder<N, D, TIMEOUT> {
    // Compile error: "cannot infer the value of const parameter `N`"
    // const fn new() -> ConstBuilder<N, D, TIMEOUT> {
    //     ConstBuilder::<N, D, TIMEOUT>
    // }

    const fn with_n<const N_SET: usize>(self) -> ConstBuilder<N_SET, D, TIMEOUT> {
        ConstBuilder::<N_SET, D, TIMEOUT>

    const fn with_d<const D_SET: usize>(self) -> ConstBuilder<N, D_SET, TIMEOUT> {
        ConstBuilder::<N, D_SET, TIMEOUT>

    const fn with_timeout<const TIMEOUT_SET: u64>(self) -> ConstBuilder<N, D, TIMEOUT_SET> {
        ConstBuilder::<N, D, TIMEOUT_SET>

    const fn build(self) -> Client<N, D, TIMEOUT> {
        Client {
            foo: [0x00; N],
            bar: [0x00; D],
            idx: 0,

struct Client<const N: usize, const D: usize, const TIMEOUT: u64> {
    foo: [u8; N],
    bar: [u8; D],
    idx: u8,

impl<const N: usize, const D: usize, const TIMEOUT: u64> Client<N, D, TIMEOUT> {
    async fn do_a_thing(&self) -> Result<u8, Elapsed> {
        let fut = future::ready(1u8);


        tokio::time::timeout(Duration::from_nanos(TIMEOUT), fut).await

async fn main() {
    let thing = ConstBuilder::new()
        // `N` left at its default
        // .with_n::<16>()
